Delicious Recipes

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Steamed Pomfret

Ingredients A: (Serves 4)
1 pomfret
5 stalks spring onions

Ingredients B:
(Mix together and leave for 30 minutes)
1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pepper
2 tsp light soy sauce & 2 tsp Chinese wine
1/4 tsp sugar
2 tsp oil
2 red chillies (shredded)
5 slices ginger (shredded)
2 dried mushrooms (soaked and shredded)
1/2 small carrot (shredded)
1 large Chinese sour plum (smashed)

1 Wash the fish and lightly salt it, stand for 1 minute, rinse off and drain dry. Make 3 diagonal slits slong the body.
2 Rub the fish with 1 tbsp of oil and a sprinkling of pepper. Set aside for 5 minutes.
3 Arrange the spring onion ends on a steaming plate and place the fish on top.
4 Arrange ingredients B nicely on top of the fish.
5 Steam for 10 minutes over high heat and serve immediately.

Use a metal plate to steam the fish to ensure even cooking.

Extracted from Simply Her/February 2005


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