Delicious Recipes

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Wah Ko Kueh

Ingredients A:
200g rice flour & 50g plain flour
1 1/2 tsp yeast & 150ml water (+ extra)

Ingredients B:
100ml coconut milk
125ml Ice Cream Soda or 7-up
2 tsp pandan juice
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/2 tsp Eno fruit salts
Food colouring (red & green)

Topping (optional):
200g brown sugar
400g grated coconut (steamed with a pinch of salt for 5-10 mins)

1 Mix ingredients A. Knead well till a pliable dough forms. Set aside for 2 hours to rise, covered with cling wrap or a damp cloth.
2 Heat coconut milk, stirring till almost boiling; pour into the dough. Mix well.
3 Add pandan juice, becarbonate of soda and Eno. Stir mixture into batter.
4 Seperate batter into 2 bowls. Add red colouring to one bowl and green colouring to the next. Stir to mix well.
5 Steam little teacups or moulds for 10 minutes at high heat.
6 Pour batter 3/4 full into the moulds. Use a sharp knife to mark a criss-cross on top. Sprinkle with sugar into the criss-cross. Steam immediately for 10-15 minutes.

Little steamed cupcakes that are just as scrumptious plain.

Extracted from Simply Her/April 2005


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